Toronto Community Health Profiles Partnership (TCHPP) A partnership designed to facilitate access to
information for health planning with the overall
      goal of producing action to reduce health inequalities.   
Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership (OCHPP)

Archived Maps (up to 2006)

Please select the Archived Map Category for which you would like to view the list of available indicators.
Put your cursor on one of the Thematic Maps Categories to view short description for that category.

  Archived Maps - Demographic Composition indicators      About the Data
Toronto PopulationNeighbourhoods: 2001
Population 19 and UnderNeighbourhoods: 2001
Population 65 and OverNeighbourhoods: 2001
Persons 65 and Older Living AloneNeighbourhoods: 2001
Persons Living AloneNeighbourhoods: 2001
Lone Parent FamiliesNeighbourhoods: 2001
One-Year MobilityNeighbourhoods: 2001
  Archived Maps - Socioeconomic Status indicators      About the Data
Average Household IncomeNeighbourhoods: 2000
Low Income Families Before Tax Neighbourhoods: 2001
Low Income Individuals Before Tax Neighbourhoods: 2001
Rented Dwellings Neighbourhoods: 2001
Unemployment Rate Neighbourhoods: 2001
Labour Force Participation Neighbourhoods: 2001
Population Without High School Education Neighbourhoods: 2001
Population With University Degree Neighbourhoods: 2001
Vehicles per Household Neighbourhoods: 2001#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Maps - Language, Immigration, Ethno-Racial Diversity indicators      About the Data
Population Without Knowledge of Official LanguagesNeighbourhoods: 2001
Recent Immigrants-within 5 years prior to CensusNeighbourhoods: 1996-2001
Recent Immigrants-within 10 years prior to CensusNeighbourhoods: 1991-2001
Total ImmigrantsNeighbourhoods: 2001
Visible Minority Population (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
Black Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
South Asian Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
Southeast Asian Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
East Asian Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
West Asian Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
Latin American Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
Aboriginal Origin Visible Minorities (Self-Identified)Neighbourhoods: 2001
  Archived Maps - Adult Health and Disease indicators      About the Data
Asthma, All Ages, Both SexesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
High Blood Pressure, All Ages, Both SexesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
Mental Health, All Ages, Both SexesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
Diabetes, All Ages, Both SexesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
Age- and Sex-Standardized Diabetes Prevalence Rate for MalesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Age- and Sex-Standardized Diabetes Prevalence Rate for FemalesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Age- and Sex-Standardized Diabetes Prevalence Rate for Both SexesNeighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Arthritis/Rheumatism, All Ages, Both Sexes, Physician Visits RateNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
Heart Disease, All Ages, Both Sexes, Physician Visits RateNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
Stroke, All Ages, Both Sexes, Physician Visits RateNeighbourhoods: 2001-2003
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Maps - Diabetes Prevalence and Neighbourhood Characteristics indicators
Diabetes Prevalence, Socioeconomic Status and Language, Immigration, Ethno-Racial Diversity
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Annual Household Income Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Low Income Individuals Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Visible Minority Populations Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Immigrant Populations Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence and Neighbourhood Infrastructure
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Percent of Dwellings Built Before 1946 Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Percent of Dwellings Built Between 1971 and 2001 Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence and Health Services
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Family Physicians and General Practicioners per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Family Physician or General Practitioner Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Family Physician or General Practitioner Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence and Spaces for Physical Activity
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Parks and Schoolyards per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Park or Schoolyard Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Park or Schoolyard Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Walking Time to the Nearest Park or Schoolyard Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Recreation Facilities per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Public Recreation Facility Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Public Recreation Facility Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Walking Time to the Nearest Public Recreation Facility Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Maps - Diabetes Prevalence and Food indicators
Grocery Stores
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Grocery Stores per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Grocery Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Grocery Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Walking Time to the Nearest Grocery Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Convenience Stores
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Convenience Stores per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Convenience Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Convenience Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Walking Time to the Nearest Convenience Store Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Fast Food
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Fast Food Outlets per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Driving Time to the Nearest Fast Food Outlet Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Public Transit and Walking Time to the Nearest Fast Food Outlet Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and Walking Time to the Nearest Fast Food Outlet Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Maps - Diabetes Prevalence and Indices indicators
Diabetes Prevalence and Indices
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and the Activity-Friendly Index Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Diabetes Prevalence Rates and the Healthy Resources Index Neighbourhoods: 2001-2002#
Spatial Relationships Between Various Built Environment Characteristics
Spatial Relationship Between the Activity-Friendly Index and Healthy Resources Index Neighbourhoods: 2001-2005#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Maps - Disability/Activity Limitation indicators      About the Data
Disability/Activity Limitation in Population 25-64 Years Old,
Both Sexes (Age-Adjusted Rate)
Neighbourhoods: 2006
Disability/Activity Limitation in Population 65-74 Years Old,
Both Sexes
Neighbourhoods: 2006
Disability/Activity Limitation in Total Population, Both Sexes
(Age-Adjusted Rate)
Neighbourhoods: 2006
  Archived Maps - Healthy Living indicators
Daily Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Not Meeting Canada's
Food Guide
Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Daily Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Meeting Canada's
Food Guide
Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Physical InactivityMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Body Mass Index: Acceptable LevelsMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Body Mass Index: Overweight LevelsMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Smoking Initiation at Age 15-19Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Daily and Occasional SmokersMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Exposure To Second-Hand SmokingMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
Frequency of Low Alchohol UseMinor Health Planning Areas (Historical Geography): 2001
  Archived Maps - Mothers and Babies indicators      About the Data
Total Hospital Births Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005
Fertility Rate Among Women Age 15-49 Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005,    2000-2002
Teen Birth Rate, Age 15-19 Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005

Local Health Planning Areas (Historical): 1997-2001
Teen Pregnancy Rate, Age 15-19 Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005
Low Birthweight-Total Births Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005
Low Birthweight-Singleton Births Neighbourhoods: 2001-2003

Local Health Planning Areas (Historical): 1996-2000
Births to Women Born in a Country Other than Canada Neighbourhoods: 2003,    2001
Infant Mortality Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical): 1996-1998
  Archived Maps - Premature Mortality indicators      About the Data
Age-Standardized Mortality Rate per 100,000 population for All Causes of Deaths, Both Sexes, Age 0-74Neighbourhoods: 2003-2005
  Archived Maps - Seniors indicators      About the Data
Females Aged 85 and OverNeighbourhoods: 2001
Males Aged 85 and Over Neighbourhoods: 2001
Females Aged 65 and Over Living Alone Neighbourhoods: 2001
Males Aged 65 and Over Living Alone Neighbourhoods: 2001
Persons Aged 65 and Over Living in High Rise Apartments with
5 or More Stories
Neighbourhoods: 2001
Number of Beds in Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities Neighbourhoods: 2001
Females Aged 65 and Over under Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) Neighbourhoods: 2000
Males Aged 65 and Over under Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) Neighbourhoods: 2000
Recent Immigrants (1991-2001) Aged 65 and Over Neighbourhoods: 2001
Persons Aged 65 and Over Without Knowledge of English or French Neighbourhoods: 2001
Seniors Aged 75 and Over with Activity Difficulties or Reductions Neighbourhoods: 2001
Flu Shots, Total Population 64-74 Neighbourhoods: 2003
Flu Shots, Total Population 75 and up Neighbourhoods: 2003
  Archived Maps - Sexual Health indicators      About the Data
Sexual Health: Chlamydia among Women, 15-19 Local Health Planning Areas (Historical): 2002-2004
Sexual Health: Chlamydia among Men, 20-24 Local Health Planning Areas (Historical): 2002-2004
Sexual Health: Gonorrhea among Women, 15-19 Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical): 2002-2004
Sexual Health: Gonorrhea among Men, 20-24 Minor Health Planning Areas (Historical): 2002-2004
  Archived Maps - Environment and Resources indicators
Violent Crimes in Police Divisions2001
Health Services
Health and Social Services2004
Health and Community Services2004
Selected Specialized Health Services2004
Family Doctors Accepting New Patients2002#
Psychiatrists Accepting New Patients in Toronto2005
Family Physicians and General Practitioners2002#
Diabetes Specialists2002#
Diabetes Education Programs2004#
Parks and Schoolyards2002-2005#
Park and Schoolyards per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2002-2005#
Drive Time to Parks and Schoolyards2002-2005#
Public Transit and Walking Time to Parks and Schoolyards2002-2005#
Walking Time to Parks and Schoolyards2002-2005#
Toronto Beaches
Toronto Beaches: Open Days During 2000-20042000-2004
Recreational Facilities
Recreation Facilities2004#
Recreation Facilities per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2004#
Driving Time to Recreation Facilities2004#
Public Transit and Walking Time to Recreation Facilities2004#
Walking Time to Recreation Facilities2004#
Food: Grocery Stores
Grocery Stores2004#
Grocery Stores per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2004#
Driving Time to Grocery Stores2004#
Public Transit and Walking Time to Grocery Stores2004#
Walking Time to Grocery Stores2004#
Food: Convenience Stores
Convenience Stores2004#
Convenience Stores per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2004#
Driving Time to Convenience Stores2004#
Public Transit and Walking Time to Convenience Stores2004#
Walking Time to Convenience Stores2004#
Food: Fast Food Outlets
Fast Food Outlets2004#
Fast Food Outlets per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2004#
Driving Time to Fast Food Outlets2004#
Public Transit and Walking Time to Fast Food Outlets2004#
Walking Time to Fast Food Outlets2004#
Retail Establishments
Retail Establishments per Capita Neighbourhoods: 2004#
Average Walking Time to the Five Nearest Retail Locations Neighbourhoods: 2004#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas
  Archived Geographic Boundaries and Contextual Maps
Satellite View of Toronto, 1989-19911989-1991#
Major Land Uses in Toronto2002#
Arterial Streets and Neighbourhoods in Toronto2001#
Public Transit and Major Streets in Toronto2003#
Periods of Dwelling Construction in Toronto Neighbourhoods2001#
  # Indicates that this map was originally created for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Atlas

©Toronto Community Health Profiles Partnership, 2001 - 2025. Not for commercial use. All rights reserved.