* Notes
This site is not updated any more. Please go to our new site: Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership (www.OntarioHealthProfiles.ca) for up-to-date contents covering the whole province of Ontario including City of Toronto.

About This Site

This website is sponsored by The Toronto Community Health Profiles Partnership (TCHPP) to make detailed, area-level health data available to everyone. Our goal is to support action to reduce health inequities in Toronto. For more information see About Us.

Data on This Site

 •  Emergency Department Care visits 2013/14, Ontario
     Health Links data

 •  Mental Health Hospital Admissions 2012/14 data

 •  Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions 2012/14
     Neighbourhoods (Hospital Admissions) data

 •  Hospital Admissions 2011-2012 maps

 •  Combine Toronto Neighbourhoods to generate data
     for Custom Geographies - Primary Care 2011/13

 •  Primary Care 2011/13, Neighbourhood data and maps

 •  Ontario Dissemination Areas (DA) Conversion File, 2011

 •  2011 Census-based population denominators data

 •  See new LHIN-level data and maps

 •  Adult Health and Disease 2012, data and maps

 •  Sexual Health 2012 data and maps

 •  Socio-demographic, Language (Census) 2011 data

 •  Link to Toronto Demographics 2011 and Seniors Strategy

 •  Diabetes Atlas for the Region of Peel, 2013

 •  Urban HEART @Toronto executive summary and data

 •  Top 1% & 5% High Cost Health Care Users - maps

 •  2011 Census demographic and living arrangement
     data for download; socio-demographic maps

 •  Download Data tables in EXCEL or PDF format


    Check our Archived Data page to find older data
    and reports (up to 2006)


What Information Can You Find Here?

Find health information about your community by clicking on the Data, Maps and Charts tab above OR search Health Profiles by topic and area using the Search Data by Topic tab.

We provide health and health-related indicators in three basic forms:
[Click on an image below to enlarge]

Health Profiles Health Data Maps Equity Analyses
Health Profiles Health Data Maps Equity Analyses

Health Profiles:
Community-level health indicators - the Health Profiles provide detailed statistics about people living in communities and how these communities compare with the City of Toronto overall. These data are available in table format.

Health Data Maps: Toronto or Ontario-wide health indicators - maps give an overview of how the health of different communities within Toronto or Ontario compare with each other.

Equity Analyses: Graphs are used to show how peoples' health may differ depending on their income or immigration status. These analyses focus on people living in communities and not the communities themselves.

Ontario Marginalization Index (ON-Marg) Ontario Marginalization Index: The Ontario Marginalization Index
(ON-Marg) can be used to understand inequalities in health and other social problems related to health among either population groups or geographic areas.

Toronto Walkability Index: The final composite index composed of four variables: population density, residential dwelling density, availability of retail destinations, and street connectivity, within a 10 minute walk.

Urban HEART @Toronto Urban HEART @Toronto: Urban HEART @Toronto is a tool that helps us measure how well Toronto`s 140 neighbourhoods are doing across a variety of policy domains including economic opportunities, social and human development, civic engagement, physical environment and infrastructure, and population health.
Please see About the Data section for information about definitions, data quality and limitations, and selection and preparation of variables.

    Please read the following terms and conditions of use carefully before
    using the data: Terms Of Use.

Centre for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael's (C-UHS) Logo      Toronto Public Health Logo         Access Alliance Logo         South East Toronto Organization (SETo) Logo      Wellesley Institute Logo
Toronto Central LHIN (LHIN 7) Logo       Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Logo       Wellbeing Toronto Logo  Central LHIN (LHIN 8) Logo 
©Toronto Community Health Profiles Partnership, 2001 - 2025. Not for commercial use. All rights reserved.