* Notes
This site is not updated any more. Please go to our new site: Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership (www.OntarioHealthProfiles.ca) for up-to-date contents covering the whole province of Ontario including City of Toronto.

- (Toronto Foundation. PDF: 13.2MB)

- (Access Alliance - Multicultural Health and Community Services. May 2015. PDF: 1.79MB)

- (Toronto Public Health. April 2015. PDF: 760KB)

- (Toronto Public Health. April 2015. PDF: 1.10MB)

- (Using Research to do Powerful Health Advocacy. Yogendra B. Shakya, PhD. PDF: 3.71MB)

- (Expanding Access to Health Benefits for Low Income Ontarians. PDF: 788KB)

- (The role of racism in the health and well-being on Indigenous peoples in Canada. PDF: 2.19MB)

- (Toronto Public Health Student Survey. PDF: 1.25MB)

- (Prepared for the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020. PDF: 5.9MB)

- (An equity report on differences in household income among patients at
Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network [TC LHIN] hospitals. PDF: 396KB)

- (Toronto Public Health [TPH]. PDF: 2.33MB)

- (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care [MOHLTC]. PDF: 1.33MB)

- (Canadian Institute for Health Information [CIHI]. PDF: 1.40MB)

- (Crime and Justice Research Paper Series. PDF: 2.4MB)
Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020
ISO 37120 Global City Indicators Standard, 2014
(Sustainable development of communities - Indicators for city services and quality of life)
Global City Indicators Facility (GCIF)
The Colour Coded Labour Market By The Numbers, September 2014
(A National Household Survey Analysis, Sheila Block, Grace-Edward Galabuzi, and Alexandra Weiss)
Diabetes Atlas for the Region of Peel, 2013
Canadian Survey on Disability 2012, Statistics Canada
Canada's Colour Coded Labour Market, March 2011
(Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Canada - The gap for racialized workers. Sheila Block and Grace-Edward Galabuzi.)
Ontario Dissemination Areas (DA) Conversion Table, 2011
(Dissemination Areas (DA) to: Census Tracts (CT), Toronto Neighbourhoods, Health Links, and LHINs.)
Toronto Census Tracts (CT) Conversion Table to Neighbourhoods, 2006
Toronto Seniors Demographic Snapshot 2006
'Our Health Counts' Community Report: First Nations Adults and Children, 2011
Toronto Aboriginal Persons Demographic Snapshot 2006
The Global City: Newcomer Health in Toronto 2011
Ontario's Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs)
City of Toronto: Neighbourhood Profiles
Toronto Neighbourhoods - Improvement Areas
(Reports and profiles for Toronto`s Improvement Investment Neighbourhoods: documents detailing Improvement Areas
in demographic, cartographic and descriptive form)
Search your Neighbourhood
(Toronto Neighbourhood Guide)
Toronto Police Service Crime Statistics
(Crime statistics and maps)
Toronto Crime by Neighbourhood
(By Pras Rajagopalan and Dwight Friesen with files from Jamie Strashin, CBC News)
Public Health Agency of Canada - Health Literacy
Toronto Open data Web Site
(Link to the Toronto open data site)
Toronto Cycling Maps
(2010 edition of the Toronto Cycling Map)
Bikeway Network project status
(Progress on Bike Network)
Reported Releases of toxic chemicals in Toronto (map)
(Toronto Environmental Alliance. Point Source Releases of Toxic Chemicals, 2006)
Toronto Public Health, Health Status Reports
Health Inequalities in Toronto 2008
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Web Site
Greater Toronto Urban Observatory
Early Development Instrument - Riding Profiles with Neighbourhoods on Mothercraft Web Site
(EDI Results are organized by year and by 22 ridings in Toronto that include the neighbouthoods in each riding)
Statistics Canada, 2011 Census